Thursday, May 31, 2007

Smashed-Independent Reading

“Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart.” – Salman Rushdie. The book Smashed, by Koren Zailckas, is the story of a girl who gets through life with alcohol. In the book, she doesn’t necessarily talk badly about alcoholism, and she also does not rave about it. Many girls would be able to relate to this book for a number of reasons, including the fact that for many, it hits terribly close to home. This book shows how one girl faced her everyday problems, with alcohol, although they are problems that everyone faces. Although the book, Smashed, may not be one hundred percent accurate, through tremendous detail and believability this girl’s story come alive to the reader, making you feel her pain and sorrow, as well as her awkwardness and difficulty growing up.
For example, on page 51, Koren is talking about how there is a “glass shield around my heart, the type of protective barrier that says IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, BREAK GLASS. Apple brandy put its fist through my isolation. I let reticence break apart, I vowed to no longer be as emotionally delicate as spun crystal.”. This quote tells you how emotionally unsound this young girl is, and how she is already turning to alcohol for some sort of release, or even relief. Throughout the novel, although the girl is always turning to alcohol for help, it shows that people can function and survive, some might just need a little help, and some are just fighting themselves.
The greatest conflict in this story is the woman verses herself. Throughout the whole story, Koren is talking about how alcohol makes her feel, either some other emotion that she isn’t really experiencing, or how she needs alcohol to be able to function. All in all, by her telling herself this, she is just, making her problem grow larger and larger everyday. The author uses many analogies in this book, such as pg 158 “Of course, Coors isn’t crank or coke or crack. And Heineken isn’t heroin. And vodka isn’t Valium, And nothing that’s mixed with cranberry juice will score you the respect with the folks who cop drugs in the public bathroom in Tompkins Square Park. But don’t tell that to my brain because when I’m drunk, it purrs with the ecstasy of being thoroughly high…”. She continues from there with some more analogies, under the same basic idea, of alcohol being her drug.
The main character in this novel goes from being somewhat of a troubled teen, having to have her stomach pumped when she was sixteen, to dancing on the fine line between being a sorority girl at a party school, and being a full-fledged alcoholic.
Koren felt as though she needed alcohol to feel all emotions, As though no man would even give her a second look with out at least being buzzed. This was her harsh reality. She had lead herself to believe that in order to be a happy, functioning, well liked, enjoyable person, she had to be under the influence. The dialogue also plays a huge role in this book, because it is in first person. This makes it seem as though you are reading into her mind and not out of her mouth, making it a much more enjoyable read. The theme of Smashed, is not so much what not to do, and what is bad for you, it is more to help you find your real self, without of the help of any drug, alcohol or person.
Overall, the book is a great eye-opening success to the experiences of other people. It showed all aspects of life, the ups and downs, and the ins and outs. Everyone has problems, some are much more apparent than others. Some people deal with there problems through friends and family, while some just turn to something that makes it all seem to go away. This book definitely “explored the highest and lowest places in human society”- Salman Rushdie, while helping one to find oneself.

Friday, May 25, 2007


In the fourth quarter, I slacked alot my work ethic for a number of reasons. I wish that had done better work, but I have already made myself a goal in college to not be such a slacker.

The 1970s Movie

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Return of Dracula

Dracula 2 : Irina's Revenge

March 14th, 2007
Today I long for my home country, and of course for my beloved Micheal. I miss him so much. I wish I could run my Romainian hand through his crazy hair just one more time, but I fear that I will never see him again. From this country I am not. This stupid Wappingers Falls makes my life so difficult. This stupid teachers I have for government don't make me any sense. All I want is to be home with my liquor and my midol. Oh, and my Beloved micheal, of course. My car seem not fast to get me home, and I don't quite understand this. Why did Micheal have to go to this place they call the Bronx? I do not understand this. Why would anyone want to go any where besides Romainia?

March 17th, 2007

It is my day of birth, today. I celebrate this by getting drunk all the time. All of it. To some, this doesn't make any sense, but they are stupid. Michael is here with me, in spirit, and i am drinking, of course. There is no other way to go through life. Being Romainian is the best, i wouldn't have it any other way. I am now eighteen years of age, which means i am old enough to do everything in romania, which is perfect of course.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

African Art

African Art
1800's to Present Day
The first few pieces of African Art are mostly symmetrical, made from wood, and the faces don't show very much emotion. Some of the other pieces show great emotion, and are not so symmetrical. All of the pieces are not very realistic, and they for the most part all use dark, earthy tones because they are made from earthy mediums (i.e. wood).
All of the pieces, even the more recent ones, seem very primitive in their structure. Some of the pieces actually contain some brass. The Power Figure (Nkisi), uses a variety of mediums and is a very powerful piece. The expression in the face is very serious, and he has a lot going on in his torso, which shows mystery and maybe even confusion.
The more present pieces begin to have more emotion in them, and more materials used.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mythology task # 5

Works Cited
Task # 1-
1. "Mythology." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 <>.

Task # 2-
1. Chinese Gods and Myths Quantum Book.

2. Davidson, Ellis. Scandinavian Mythology. London: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited,
3. "Guandi." 1 Jan 2007 <>.

4. "Guan Yin." 1 Jan 2007 <>.

5."Hera." Jan 1 2007

6. Hinnells, John R.. Persian Mythology. London: The Hamlyn Publishing Group, 1973.

7. Ions, Veronica. Indian Mythology. London: Chancellor Press, 1967.

8. Jordan, Micheal. "Ibo Gods."Encyclopedia Of Gods. 1st ED. 1993.

9. Jordan, Micheal. "Mayan Gods ."Encyclopedia of Gods. 1st ed. 1993.

10. Kubera. 1 Jan 2007

11. Monaghan, Patricia. "Celtic Mythology."The Enclyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Forklore.
1st ed.

12. Nerthus. 1 Jan 2007

13. N.S. Gill, "Zeus-Greek God Zeus." 1 Jan 2007

14. Pinsent, John. Greek Mythology. Middlesex, England: The Hamlyn Publishing Group
Limited, 1969.

15. Sarasvati. 1 Jan 2007

16. "Vayu." 1 Jan 2007

Task #3-
1.Burton, Frederic William. "Meeting on the Turret Stairs." 1 Jan 2007

2.Danby,Francis. "Dissapointed Love." 1 Jan 2007 .

3. "Francis Hutcheson." Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 <>.

4. "William Thompson." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 .

task # 4-
1."Celtic Cross." 1 Jan 2007 .

Mythology Task # 4

Donner is the Irish God of protection, meaning he protects his believers from harm's way.
Most of his believer's are either Firemen or Police officers, and he protects them when they are protecting others. Donner can not always protect all of them though, and if one dies, they just help Donner to protect his whole family, as well as other firemen and policemen.
Donner typically only protects firemen and policemen because when the Irish came to America, that is what they became.
Iris is the Irish Goddess that oversee's all of her believer's actions. Iris carefully plans out every event in everyone's life and makes everything happen for a reason. Without Iris, our lives would just fall apart and there would be no reason for anything.
Dessie is the Irish God of talent. He gives each human a special talent, varying from great speed and strength, to amazing vocal abilities. Some times, Dessie hides the talents in the humans, and it takes them a long time to find them, but he makes sure that each and every human had one.
Sophie is the Irish Goddess of Beauty. She creates beauty in everything that she touches. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but on the inside to. She brings joy to everyone, and never has a sad day.

Mythology task # 3

Celtic Heritage-Irish
Francis Hutcheson
August 8, 1694-August 8, 1746
Wrote many well known essays including the Inquiry concerning Beauty, Order, Harmony and Design, the Inquiry concerning Moral Good and Evil, the Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections and Illustrations upon the Moral Sense.
Hutcheson believed that man had a variety of senses, six in all, and they are; consciousness, the sense of beauty, a public sense, the moral sense, a sense of honor, and a sense of the ridiculous.
William Thompson
Thompson was a Irish political and philosophical writer that influenced the Trade Union as well as the Karl Marx movement.
He supported the French Revolution and was a democrat.

Francis Danby
"disappointed love"

Frederic William Burton

"Meeting on the Turret Stairs"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mythology Task #2



Zeus is known as the supreme ruler of Mount Olympus. He upheld law, justice, and morals, which made him the spiritual leader of both Gods and men.
Zeus is also associated with being the God of weather. He controlled lightning, thunder, and rain. A common symbol for Zeus is a lightning bolt.


Hera is known mostly as a the goddess of birth and marriage. She was Zeus's consort and her name is the feminine name of Hero. She was known to be jealous of Zeus's many affairs.



Abcan is a Celtic God known as the "little dwarf". He owns a bronze boat with Tin Sails, and traveled from the otherworld in his boat.


This Celtic Goddess was the ruler of many rivers including the Avon and the Danube River.



The Chinese God of War, he is also known as Guan Zhong. He was very military based and was loved for his great courage and loyalty.

Guan Yin-

The Chinese Goddess of mercy. She is worshipped by those hoping for a child.



The Persian God of wind. Vayu is one of the most mysterious gods of the Indo-Iranians. He is known to of came from the breath of the world giant.



This Indian God is known as the Cheif of evil being.


Sarasvati is known as the Indian water Goddess. In early times, the river and it's goddess were revered for purifying, fertilizing, and enriching powers.


Ah Kin-

The Mayan Sun God is feared during drought, but also protects mankind from the evils of darkness.



Known as the fertility Goddess, she is also closely associated with a cult of death.



"mother earth"

Mythology Task # 1

Mythology is the study of myths: stories of a particular culture that it believes to be true and that feature a specific religious or belief system.

I believe that mythology is the study and belief in myths. Myths can be classified as many different things including the study of Gods and Goddess's.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

sonnet number two

There it goes again, I feel so alone
Vision becomes blurry, can’t see a thing
Time to focus, time to get in the zone
Wondering what the next moment will bring

I am alone, and suddenly it’s cold
Surrounded by people, I am lonely
This world seems so empty, yet so controlled
I wish he was mine, my one and only

My life feels very empty, very bare
My eyes are glazed, my face, it is lifeless
I’m so weak, I can hardly say a prayer
What I would give to be forever ageless

I see his face, and it makes me real sad
After all, my life really isn’t bad.

sonnet number one

She lays there, helpless, surveying the scene
Sudden thoughts of death arise in her mind
Wondering how, what does this all mean?
The flashing lights, the rain, she feels blind.

Her heart is racing, she feels so alone
Finally, a familiar face shines through
The face is a relief, very well known
Shock sets in, her luck is overdue

Her view becomes foggy, much like a dream
All the lights and sounds become a background
Containing emotions, she wants to scream
Distraught about the car, her tire is found

She has just cheated death, and is thankful
Although she feels absolutely disgraceful.