Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mythology task # 5

Works Cited
Task # 1-
1. "Mythology." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology>.

Task # 2-
1. Chinese Gods and Myths Quantum Book.

2. Davidson, Ellis. Scandinavian Mythology. London: The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited,
3. "Guandi." 1 Jan 2007 <http://www.geocities.com/directx_user/gallery/guandi.jpg>.

4. "Guan Yin." 1 Jan 2007 <http://www.amaranthpublishing.com/yin10000.gif>.

5."Hera." Jan 1 2007 http://www.linsdomain.com/gods&goddesses/pictures/hera.jpg.

6. Hinnells, John R.. Persian Mythology. London: The Hamlyn Publishing Group, 1973.

7. Ions, Veronica. Indian Mythology. London: Chancellor Press, 1967.

8. Jordan, Micheal. "Ibo Gods."Encyclopedia Of Gods. 1st ED. 1993.

9. Jordan, Micheal. "Mayan Gods ."Encyclopedia of Gods. 1st ed. 1993.

10. Kubera. 1 Jan 2007 http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kubera.gif.

11. Monaghan, Patricia. "Celtic Mythology."The Enclyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Forklore.
1st ed.

12. Nerthus. 1 Jan 2007 http://library.flawlesslogic.com/nerthus.jpg.

13. N.S. Gill, "Zeus-Greek God Zeus." About.com. 1 Jan 2007

14. Pinsent, John. Greek Mythology. Middlesex, England: The Hamlyn Publishing Group
Limited, 1969.

15. Sarasvati. 1 Jan 2007 http://img.search.com/2/26/300px-Dp-sarasvati.jpg.

16. "Vayu." 1 Jan 2007 http://onlinedarshan.com/cosmic_trinity/images/vayu.jpg.

Task #3-
1.Burton, Frederic William. "Meeting on the Turret Stairs." 1 Jan 2007 http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Meeting-on-the-Turret-Stairs-Posters_i118845_.htm.

2.Danby,Francis. "Dissapointed Love." 1 Jan 2007 .

3. "Francis Hutcheson." Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Hutcheson_%28philosopher%29>.

4. "William Thompson." Wikipedia. Wikipedia. 1 Jan 2007 .

task # 4-
1."Celtic Cross." 1 Jan 2007 .


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