Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mythology Task # 4

Donner is the Irish God of protection, meaning he protects his believers from harm's way.
Most of his believer's are either Firemen or Police officers, and he protects them when they are protecting others. Donner can not always protect all of them though, and if one dies, they just help Donner to protect his whole family, as well as other firemen and policemen.
Donner typically only protects firemen and policemen because when the Irish came to America, that is what they became.
Iris is the Irish Goddess that oversee's all of her believer's actions. Iris carefully plans out every event in everyone's life and makes everything happen for a reason. Without Iris, our lives would just fall apart and there would be no reason for anything.
Dessie is the Irish God of talent. He gives each human a special talent, varying from great speed and strength, to amazing vocal abilities. Some times, Dessie hides the talents in the humans, and it takes them a long time to find them, but he makes sure that each and every human had one.
Sophie is the Irish Goddess of Beauty. She creates beauty in everything that she touches. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but on the inside to. She brings joy to everyone, and never has a sad day.


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